CYCOGS® brand Ai-Robotics Consulting

AI Robotics Consulting

CYCOGS® talented staff naturally includes robotics and automation experts. 

This requires having a broad knowledge base, and we are aware of other technologies, vendors and approaches.  AI Robotics consulting covers and includes the topics of: Robotics, Artificial intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Neural Networks (NN), Natural Language Interpretation, Expert Systems, Data Analysis, Computer Vision, Navigation, Task Planning, Fuzzy Logic, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Manufacturing/Industry 4.0, digitized revolution and many other areas.

The CYCOGS® Company does manufacture our own product lines; we do acknowledge our products represent not the end all, do all, perfect fit to your needs.  We are not married to a technology type, vendor or integrator.  If you require assistance and do not want integrators  “xyz” pushing the  “xxyyzz’s” manufactures product line that they are selling, then let us assist you past the narrow sales focus.  Your project may need an assortment of systems and vendors, not just the one companies line up.

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The CYCOGS® Company can assist you with your automation planning, design, implementation, programming and maintenance. 

If your current solution needs improvements in a better ROI, safety and productivity, please consider us first.  For example, if you need to move a palette of product onto an Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) or robotic vehicle, and then store it on a rack shelf while adjusting inventory and accounting records, but do not know where to start, we can help!

Robotics  –  specifically consulting in Autonomous Mobile Robotics.  Subjects addressed include: proper simulation for systems and users, ROS, OpenCV, Autonomous Navigation, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), GIS mapping, dynamic path planning, Tele-Operations, sensor fusion, point cloud processing.  All of this is utilized with AI Robotics vehicle/systems design, software and programming with operations and maintenance.

These systems range from a “Software Bot” written in a few lines of code, to stationary/industrial robots, mobile robots, aerial robots (drones), robotic vehicles and automated systems.  Many robotic systems have been classified by what work it does.  Some specific types include:  security robot, welding robot, bomb disposal robot, vacuum robot, surgical robot, tactical robot, and the list goes on.  This classification of robotic types describes the applications (work) of that robot, where one physical robot model is tasked with various jobs.  Some robotic hardware tasks are limited to specific hardware, while other robot types are more general purpose.  Your application and jobs may be accomplished by using one hardware type verses another.  CYCOGS is able to consult on what you require right now and for your future flexibility.

Robot Gears

The CYCOGS® Company is a robotics manufacturer who is familiar with many types of robotics and automated systems. 

For robotics consultation, we are not attached to one manufacturer; chances are, even our own products will not accommodate your needs, but we can still help in your robotics automation project.  CYCOGS staff monitors the robotics industry to keep up to date on products, trends and capabilities.  We at the CYCOGS® Company knows we will not be everything to everybody, and we own several different robot manufacturers products.  That said, we grasp the concepts and promise of using robotics, and that gives us many advantages over others, such as integrators married to one manufacturers product line.  Regrettably, some manufacturers claim territories and mandated dealers.  Your robotics solution may have unique problems and goals, if that product is required, your solution may get more “involved.”  We at the CYCOGS® Company bring together our experience, knowledge and skills in many specialist fields to carry out your project to a reality.  As a manufacturer, we have designed, built and serviced products requiring custom machining, creating and developing intellectual property, training, long term maintenance as well as safety and ethics concerns.  We know all too well the cost of failed patents and defective prototypes as well as successful projects.  In today’s world, no one can do it all by themselves.  If an “off the shelf” solution is available or modifiable, it may be preferable to a custom hardware, firmware and software solution.  The CYCOGS® Company invested in the Microsoft Robotics Studio, but the future may be the Open Source Robotic Operating System (ROS), and CYCOGS considers projects in it.  We may use outside expertise for some critical features or tasks.  An evaluation may lead to new technology adoptions with a renewed strategic focus.

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If you are looking to find more productivity, CYCOGS staff can help identify processes that are repetitive, predictable, or simply awful to perform, and find quantifiable targets that would benefit from automation. 

We will not force a robot at a task if something as simple as an automated drill press and proper jigging would resolve it.  Safety sometimes is as basic as avoiding boredom.  We will work with your staff for input and a successful robotic/automation project outcome.  Sometimes a pilot demonstration or a phased approach is required.  We will help determine the proper route for creating the solution including possible re-tasking of pilot project equipment upon completion.  We seek for value and scalability while controlling risk and costs and work for acceptance.  Once the new systems are implemented, ongoing operating costs can be managed including training, maintenance, performance, safety and energy efficiency throughout the systems lifecycle.  Early adopters stand to gain the most over competitors for long term value.

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Technology historically comes in waves.  The CYCOGS® Company feels the AI-Robotics wave is upon us. 

Businesses will witness dramatic transformations as the impact of automation and intelligent systems grow more prevalent and sophisticated.  Businesses who value AI-Robotics, human skills, behaviors and understanding will prosper.  Some call this the next machine age, manufacturing 4.0, etc.  Like prior historical advancements, something is automated, and productivity improves.  Ponder the first human powered shovel, horse pulled plowing, tractor tillage and now robotic and Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) farming for the robotic automation economy.  Some predict AI abilities exceeding that of humans in the future.  Right now is the time to act and prepare for that future by evaluating and developing AI Robotics and Automation capabilities for your organization.  The AI Robotics field is accelerating, and you will need CYCOGS staffs help in securing opportunities, as we keep abreast of the most recent developments and scan for possible new trends in a more automated world.  We can help your team access automation impacts on your organization.  You may require an unfamiliar position in your organization: Chief Robotics Officer (CRO).  We as AI Robotics consultants would like to push the innovation factor for your company faster than your competition.

The CYCOGS® Company experience with AI Robotics systems and Autonomy can help your organization implement Autonomous Robotics and Autonomation systems that gain knowledge about its environment, this information helps job tasks, and then make decisions, manipulate objects and complete its tasks more effectively.  AI Robotics is more than mechanical, electrical and software systems. 
Since AI Robotics represents a relatively new field, the supply of qualified and experienced personnel is very small.  At this moment in time you can find the computer and IT shops in most towns and cities.  Compare this to the number of robotics companies listed in the phone book under “Robotics.”  Eventually some of these computer and IT shops, including some copier and printer resellers, will magically overnight, become AI Robotics Experts!  If they sound like they can speak the lingo and manage to spell some of it, they will try to sell it.  We suggest you don't buy it. 

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We at CYCOGS prefer genuine knowledge and experience.

The AI-Robotics field is much more complex than expected. 

And the AI Robotics field requires an understanding in such multidisciplinary fields of Electrical, Computer, Mechanical and Software engineering, the sciences such as in Mathematics, Physics, Economics and Law, and in such topics like: AI, IT, Navigation, GIS, Haptics, Kinematics, Ergonomics, Optics, Sensors, Battery and Power Systems, and of course, Robotics.  In some ways, robots are intrinsically computers performing things.

Eventually qualified AI Robotics staff will be available.  The CYCOGS® Company gererously offers our consulting services to properly fill in the potential gaps, design algorithms and carefully build your complex automation systems.  Doing work, you do not want to or are currently unable to complete.  Our efforts will assist you to push your boundary of what is technically feasible, yet safely, with quality and efficiency concerns are addressed.  Your project or specific problem in need of correctly solving, depends upon proper implementation with the long term life cycles designed in as key factors in the completed project’s success.

The CYCOGS® Company can help you in these and other examples: - Implement an AI system.  - Decide what can be automated and what should be automated.  - Choose a mobile robot or AGV, then take care of programming, implementation and maintenance.  - Choose a Co-Robot or traditional arm robot and program, implement and maintenance it.  - Choose other Robot types, like an AGV, then take care of programming, implementation and maintenance.  - Connect everything together from Robotics to AI to IT.

If you require a fresh view or perspective, merely ask the CYCOGS® Company.  You gain the expert assistance; our staff gathers valuable feedback, and outlooks on the real-world uses of AI-Robotics, and that helps us innovative for you. CYCOGS has been in the AI Robotics business since 2004.

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Please contact the CYCOGS® brand Ai-Robotics Consulting team to get started now!

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