CYCOGS AI Robotics Definitions information
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Explore our list of AI Robotics Terms used in this website and in the AI Robotics Industry.
Some Lingo, Keywords, terms and some definitions relating to Robotics and AI.
3D Printing –
3D Model of Environment -
AAMR - Advanced Autonomous Mobile Robot -
Absolutely Behaviorally equivalent -
Acceleration Rate -
Accelerometer -
CYCOGS® brand product name.
Acquiescence -
Actors -
Adaptive -
ADA – Language -
ADA – American Disabilities Act -
CYCOGS® brand product name.
Affordances -
Agent - An entity, subsystem or robot with goals, actions and domain knowledge for life in its environment.
AGI - Artificial General Intelligence -
AGV - Automatic Guided Vehicle -
AI - Artificial Intelligence - The qualiy of learning from experience and forming new patterns of thought and action based on non-biological means. Awareness or sentience.
AIoT - Artificial Intelligence of Things - The combination of AI and IoT Applying AI using the IoT concept.-
Algorithm -
Altruism -
Analytical Control -
Ants – a specialized subset of Millibots.
Application -
ARM / Industrial Robotics / Robot Arm -
Artificial Intelligence – AI -
Artificial Creativity – IC -
ASGH - Adaptive Symbol Grounding Hypothesis
Assists - A human or other “helping hand”
Assumption -
ATP - ?
ATRV - All terrain Robot Vehicle
Augmented -
Augmented Human -
Augmented Reality -
Authority Figure -
Autoepistemic Reasoning - Reasoning about ignorances, reason what is not known.
Auto – self -
Automata -
Automaton -
Automation -
Automated -
Automated Loading -
Autonomous - auto (self) nomos (law) – Self-controlled and directed, self-determinated. Responsible for its own actions.
Autopoiesis – auto (self) creation, Self-organization.
AUV - Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
Avatar -
Avoiding -
Axioms - (assumptions)
Bandwidth -
Base, or Platform - lower portion of a robot, sometimes housing the mobility drive and batteries.
Bayesian - Learning
BDI - Belief Desire Intention Model
Behavior - The way a robot acts.
Behavioral -
Behavioral Assemblage -
Behavioral Based-
Benevolence -
BFGS Algorithm -
Big Data -
Binocular - using two eyes to see.
Bin Picking -
Biological -
Biomechanics - Expressing biology-based systems in terms of electro/mechanical devices.
Biomimetic -
Bionic - Biological components or systems replaced or augmented by electronic or electromechanical devices.
Bionics -
Blind Obedience -
Bound / Unbound -
BotObey – Robotic Command and Control Result
Boundary -
Buffer -
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name.
™– Cellular Automata Cybernetic Mind -
CYCOGS® brand product name.
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name.
Calibration -
Calculus -
Cam – mechanical -
CAM – Computer Aided Manufacturing -
Canonical -
Capture -
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name.
Cartesian Robotics -
Cascading -
Caste Controller – Subgroups of Search, Goal caste
Causality -
CCD camera - Charge Coupled Device
Cellular Automata -
Cerebellum -
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name.
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name.
Chassis -
Chaos – Chaos Theory -
Cloud Robotics -
CM - Competence Modules -
CMOMMT - Cooperative Multirobot Observation of Multiple Moving Targets
Coalitions -
Cobot -
Cognitive - any structure or mental operation relating to the action or process of knowing.
This also applies to mental operations using formal rules and truthful conditional semantics, involving consciousness, symbolic, connectionist and dynamic systems.
Cognitive Dissonance - the perception of incompatibility (conflict).
Cognitive Heterogeneity -
Cognitive Psychology -
Cognizant -
Collaboration / Collaborative -
Collaborative Robots -
Collaborative Grippers -
Collection -
Collective -
Collisions -
Collision Sensing -
Colony -
Combat Robotics -
Combinatorics -
Commitment Groups -
Commitment States - (Potential, Pre and Actual)
Communicate / Communications -
Communication less -
Competitive Learning Agents -
Competitiveness -
Computer -
Computer Vision -
Computing -
Compliance -
Concurrent -
Conformity -
Connected -
Connected Factories -
Conro - Configurable Robots -
Continuum Robot / Continuum Manipulators are a class of robotic arms that have infinite DOF and movements in curvature forms. Also called Snake Arm robots. -
Contractnets Framework -
Convergent -
Cooperative behavior -
Cooperative Learning -
Coordination -
CORBA - Common Object Request Broker Architecture (Distributed Communication apps)
COTS - Commercial Off the Shelf
Courier -
CPS - Cyber-Physical System is a system with integrated and coordinated computational and sensor networks interacting with the physical world to perform work.
Creeping -
CRO Chief Robotics Officer -
Cross - Correlate -
Cybernetic / Cybernetics - Describes the communication, control and related regulatory feedback systems in computer-controlled robotics,
AI and adaptive systems as well as in complex systems, decision systems and learning systems.
It describes the functional relationships between the multitude of sub-systems of the robot, such as information transfer and feedback to enhance self-organization,
goals and its goal-directedness (purpose) relating to its situation.
Cyborg -
CYCOGS® - A Wisconsin LLC brand AI Robotics Company.
Cylindrical Control Robotics – Robotics using Cylindrical coordinate systems and computation.
DAI - Distributed Artificial Intelligence
Data Fusion - Combining Sensor data and correlating their inputs
Database -
Daughter Centric -
DC/DC converter -
Dead Reckoning - movement based on measuring stride or wheel rotation distances.
Debugging: Bug -
Decommit - Exit an agreement with other agents while incurring a penalty.
Deep Learning / Deep Structured Learning -
Delayed Integration -
Deliberative agent - Behaves like they are thinking, searches through a space of behaviors and maintains an inertial state as well as predicting the effects of its actions.
Delivery Robot -
Dendrogram -
Dependencies -
Deploy -
Desired Heading -
Decision Support -
Desired Lateral Velocity -
Detectors -
Dexterity -
Differential Drive -
Differentiation -
Digital Map /mapping -
Disclose -
Dispersed - Widely separated places for agent-based tasks.
Displaced Responsibility -
Distributed -
Distributed Coordination -
Divergent -
Diversity - Unlike, Differing from one another.
DMD - Distributed Multiagent Docking
Docking -
DoF - Degree of Freedom – A set of independent displacements that specify the position of the arm, wheel assembly or system.
Translations relate to the X, Y, Z axis, and rotations about these axes. Note that certain constrains can reduce the true numbers of DoF.
Mechanisms collectively may have a larger cumulative DoF count as the subsystems / components used to position the end effector may contain more joints.
1. Heaving (up and down movement)
2. Swaying (left and right movement)
3. Surging (forward and backward movement)
4. Pitching (up and down tilting)
5. Yawing (left and right rotation)
6. Rolling (side to side tilting)
Domain -
DPS - Distributed Problem Solving -
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name -
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name -
Drive - (Robot Drive, Mobility Drive) System comprising wheels and motors for movement on a surface or floor.
Dynamic Control Model - The use of analysis and control of the forces and movement energies of robotics.
Egocentric Docking -
Embedded -
EMH – Eye Motion Hints -
Empirically -
Emergency Stop -
End of Arm Tools -
End Effectors -
Environmental -
Evaluation -
Event Driven Model -
Exiting -
Expert System – Computer programs that emulate the human experts reasoning process, on which performs an expert manner where no human exists.
Exploration -
Factor Analysis -
Factory Automation -
Failure -
False Positive -
FAM - Fuzzy Associative Memories -
FD - Feature Detectors -
Feedback Control System -
FFT - Fast Fourier Transform -
FIFO - First In, First Out -
Finite -
Fixed Automation / Robotics -
Flexible Automation -
FLIR - Thermal Camera -
Foraging -
Foreman -
Formation – Follow the leader.
FOV - Field of View
FPM - Focal Point Method
Fractal -
Frame Problem -
Frames -
Framework -
Frisbee Glide – A holonomic movement comprised of a rotating translation movement found in some mobile robotics, similar to some ice-skating movements or spinning out your car on ice.
Future -
Fuzzy Expert System - Consists of an inference engine, knowledge base and a global or working memory.
Fuzzy Logic - An inexact rules-based decision-making system to match data that is not exact but still identifiable. A good guess at the data, an "inference engine."
GA - Genetic Algorithm -
Gaussian Distribution -
GLA Generalized Lloyd Algorithm - A clustering technique consisting of interactions of recomputed sets of partitioned input states (vectors) and their centroids.
Global Perspective -
GP Genetic Programming -
GPGP Generalized Partial Global Planning -
GPS - Global Positioning System a satellite base navigation reference system.
Grid -
Gripper -
Grounded - A symbols grounded if the set of icons, indices and symbols necessary to interpret it.
Group Think -
GUI Graphic User Interface -
Gyroscope -
Hang ups - When the robot gets caught passing an obstacle.
Harmonic Drive -
Hazard Alert -
HDR High Dynamic Range -
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name.
Heading -
Heterogeneous / Heterogeneity -
Heuristic - Reward based on intuition of state value.
Hexapod – 6-leg robot.
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name -
Hierarchy -
Hierem -
Hieroglyphics -
Higher Ordered -
Highly Centralized -
HMI Human Machine Interface -
Holonomic Drive - A wheeled drive system containing sub-assemblies capable of independent motion and positioning. The total number of DoF must equal the total number of controlled DoF.
Homing -
HRASP - Heterogeneous Robot Action Selection Problem -
Human -
Humanoid Robot / Humaniform - A robot that resembles a human, such as one that can walk on two legs with two arms.
Hybrid -
Hypocyclic Drive -
™ - HYbrid Snake Arm, a
CYCOGS® brand product name.
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name.
I2C Bus - A 2 wire serial bus.
Iconic Representations -
Ignorant -
IIoT – Industrial Internet of Things -
IMU Inertial Measurement Unit -
Industry 4.0 -
Industrial -
Industrial Automation -
Industrial Robot / System / Robotics -
Inertial Sensor -
Infer -
Inference Engine -
Information -
Infrared -
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name.
INS Inertial Navigation System -
Integrator -
Intelligence -
Intelligent Assistant -
Intelligent Agent -
Intelligent Robot -
Intent / Intentions -
Interaction -
Interface -
Interference -
Interlock - Intelligent / Intelligence -
Intruder -
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name.
IoT Internet of Things -
IP&P - Intellectual Property and Product
Iteration -
Jack / Jack Lift -
Jacobian Matric Mathematics -
Joint -
Joint Sensor -
Kalman Filtering -
Kinematics -
Knowledge -
Knowledge Base -
Knowledge Representation -
Language -
Language Analytics -
Layered Architecture -
LAN- Local Area Network -
Lazy Learning - Instance Based Learning -
Learning -
LIDAR - Light Detecting and Ranging - Typically laser range sensors.
Lifecycle Management -
LIN - Local Interconnect Network -
Linear Algebra -
Linear Model -
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name.
Local Perspective -
Locality -
Localization -
Location Feature Detectors -
Logic -
LOS Line of Sight -
LOS Loss of Signal -
LSR – Large Size Robot - A robot that is too big and / or heavy to operate in a human occupied hallway.
Machine -
Machine Building -
Machine Learning -
Machine Loading -
Machine Vision -
Managed Code - See Mangled Code
Mangled Code - Similar to Managed Code
Manager / Coach -
Manipulator -
Manufacturing Cell -
Manual -
Manual Dexterity -
Manufacturing -
Map Building -
Mapping -
Markov Localization - A family of probabilistic approaches to localization. “Each robot maintains a belief over its position.”
Marsupial -
Marsupial robot teams -
MAS Multi Agent Systems – Construction of complex systems involving multiple agents and mechanisms for coordinating the independent agent’s behaviors.
Matrix Computing -
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name.
MCL Monte Carlo Localization - A version of Markov Localization that relies on sample-based representations, and sampling / resampling algorithms for belief propagation “particle filters”
Mean character difference -
Mechanical -
Mechanism -
Mechanization -
Mecha -
Mechatronics -
Message Passing -
Messenger -
Metamorphic -
Metrical FAM - maps input patterns into stored patterns.
Metrics -
Millibot – A robot of size approximately 6cm3
Minimax-Q - A variation of Q-Learning with agents learning probabilistic policies.
Mind -
ML Machine Learning -
Mobile Manipulator -
Mobility -
Mobile Robot -
Mobile Robotics -
Mobile – a robot that can move or change its position or location.
Mobile robots typically have wheels, legs or tracks and navigate between points.
Industrial or “robot arms” are not considered mobile as they are stationary or have limited travel, with the end effectors movement being carefully controlled.
Model / Modeling -
Moment of Rotation -
Mother Centric -
MOUT - Military Operations in Urban Terrain
Move Movement -
MR – Mixed Reality -
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product, Medium Size Robot Base – The lower portion of a mobile robot that is too heavy to lift by a human, but small enough to travel inside a hallway.
Typically contain batteries and drive mechanisms.
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product, Medium Size Robot – A mobile robot that is too heavy to lift by a human, but small enough to travel inside a hallway.
Multiagent -
Multi-agent Systems -
Multiforaging -
Multirobot -
Nanobots - Very tiny robots.
Natural Language -
Natural Language Processing -
Navigation -
Negotiation -
Neural Network - An approach used in AI to reproduce biological thinking by patterning sequences and systems of logic to organize information into subsets for decision making.
Neural Science -
Normalize -
Numerical Methods –
Object detection -
Object Recognition -
Observer -
Occlusion -
Odometry -
Off Line -
On Line -
Open Source -
Opportunistic -
Operator -
Optimization -
Orchestrator -
Pack Controller -
Parallel Processing - Unlike serial processing where one microprocessor (CPU) processes the data and commands,
two or more processors are used concurrently to process the data and commands.
Parallel Robot -
Passenger -
Path Planning - Programically planning a path from one location to the next. (nodes)
Pendant – Teach Pendant -
Perceive -
Perception -
Perceptual Cues -
Performance -
Pessimistic Algorithm - uses the lower bounds of the potential actions.
Physics Engine -
Physics Modeling -
Pick and Place Robotics -
PID - Proportional, Integral, Derivative - control algorithm -
Ping – Sonar Sensor pulse measurement
Pitch -
™ -
CYCOGS® brand name. -
Point to Point -
Polar Coordinates -
Polymorphic -
Positional -
Positronic Brain - Isaac Asimov 1950s novel, “I, Robot”, the sophisticated non-biological "mind" that allowed the robots to think creatively, and in depth, just like a human.
POSLOG - POSsibilistic LOGic -
Predictive -
Probability -
Probabilistic -
Programming -
Proprioception -
Proxy -
Punish -
Pursuit Domain (Predator / Prey) -
Psychology –
Q-Learning - Active interaction of robots to learn from each other through observation.
Quantitative -
Quantum -
Quantum Computing –
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name.
R&D Research and Development -
Radar -
Reach -
Reactive Agent - Retrieve pre-set behaviors, similar to reflexes without maintaining an internal state.
Reconfigurable -
Reconnaissance -
Redundant /Redundancy - DoF definition: The robot contains more controllable DOF than the total number of DoF in its task space. This allows alternate paths of motion.
Regression Analysis -
Rendering -
Rentable Robotics -
Repeatability -
Rescue -
Resource Management -
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name.
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name.
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name.
Reverse Homing -
RFID tags - Radio Frequency Identification Tags -
RL – Reinforced Learning -
RMM - Recursive Modeling Method -
Roboethics -
Robot - 1920's Karel Capek's play R.U.R. coined the word from the Czech word "robota" which means "drudgery" or "hard labor."
It brings to mind mechanical "men", mechanical monsters and other non-human constructs from the early movie days.
The generic term now covers most automated systems, ranging from arms, remote control devices, tape drive libraries, to unmanned vehicles in the air, sea, land and outer space.
Even the web includes digital robots that scour websites looking for information.
Hollywood seems to portray robots as both good and evil, as in R2D2 in Star Wars and the Terminator movies.
We like the interpretation where robots remain complex non-biological entities in the physical realm that can sense and influence its environment and respond without outside help or control.
Robotics -
Robot Impatience / Acquiescence -
Robotic Process Automation -
Robot Intelligence -
Robot Integrator – System Integration -
Robot Motion -
Robot Tool Changer -
Robot Vision -
Robustness -
Roll -
Rollovers – robot tips over
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name.
ROS Robotics Open Source -
Roving Eye -
RSFD – Radio Silence Failure Detection -
RTOS Real Time Operating System -
Rule -
Rule based Systems - State driven systems operate on discrete blocks of instructions.
Safeguard / Safety Procedures -
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name.
SCT – Spherical Coordinate Transform -
Scalability -
SCARA Robot -
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name.
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name.
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name.
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name.
Self-Assembly -
Self-guided -
Self-Repair -
Self-Replication -
Self Sufficient -
Servo -
Servoing -
Semantic Networks -
Sensor / sensing -
Sensor Fusion / Fuzzy Fusion -
Service -
Service Robot -
Service Robot B2B-
Service Robot B2C-
Servoing / Servo Control -
Simulation -
Single Agent – A task that derives no benefit from employing additional agents in its solution.
Singularity -
SLAM - Simulation Localization and Mapping -
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name modular rotary Snake arm system
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name modular rotary Snake arm system Continuum Robot.
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name modular rotary Sensor ring system
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name modular rotary Sensor Ring Platform
SSR – Small size Robot – A robot that can be easily picked up by a human.
Snake Arm -
Social Conventions -
Social Entropy -
SOM - Self-Organizing Map algorithm -
Sonar Sensor - An acoustic (sound) based distance measurement sensor.
Sophisticated -
Spatial Structure -
Spatio-Temporal -
Spawn -
Specular -
Speech Acts – Theory of communication as an action.
Spherical Robot -
Stability -
State -
Statics -
Stereo Vision -
Stigmergy – Active – An agent alters the environment so as to affect the sensory input of another agent. - Passive - An agent alters the environment so that the effects of other agents’ actions change.
Structure -
Subsonic -
Subsumption -
Subsystem -
Supercomputer -
Supply Chain Industry -
Supply Chain Robotics -
Surveillance -
Sustaining Engineering -
Symbiosis -
Synchro-Drive – A mobile robot with a mechanically linked drive where all the wheels rotate together and steer together. This drive is a two DoF system.
Synchronization -
Taxonomic -
Taxonomy -
TDL - Task Descriptor Language -
Teach / Train / Program -
Teach Pendant / Remote Control Device -
Telecommuting -
Telematic Systems -
Teleoperated -
Teleremote -
Test -
Test Bed / Automation -
Theory / Theoretical -
TMR – Tactical Mobile Robots -
™ - Thanatoid
™ are trademarks reserved by a
CYCOGS member.
Topological Path Planning -
Topology -
TPOT-RL Team – Partitioned, Opaque – Transition Reinforced Learning -
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name.
Typlan – Personalized Robotic Path Planning -
UGV – Unmanned Ground Vehicle -
Unmanned -
UI - User Interface -
Ultrasonic -
Ultraviolet -
USAR – Urban Search and Rescue -
Vector -
Video -
Virtual -
Virtual Reality -
Virtual Factory -
Vision -
VQQL – Vector Quantization with Q-Learning -
Wall Following -
™ -
CYCOGS® brand product name. -
WAM - Wheel Assembly Module - see -
CYCOGS® brand product name Hi2WAM
™ advanced intelligent wheel assembly for such uses as Holonomic mobile robotics.
Wander -
Wandering -
WayLand – Robot motion reference -
Waypoint – Robot motion point reference -
Web Bot – Web Robot -
Work cell –
Working Envelope -
Xenophobe -
XR – Extended Reality -
XYZ Coordinate system -
Yaw -
Zero Sum -
This is a work in progress. If you have better / more accurate definitions or more terms that you wish to contribute, please email
for consideration.
Please review the disclaimer at the top of the list if any issues or questions arise.
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CYCOGS® Contact.